Reasons why ongoing SEO work is important

April 23, 2014

SEO is on-going. Get used to it. This is never going to change and business owners need to come to terms with the fact that they will need to keep paying for SEO if they expect to keep their rankings on Google. It is not a permanent feature of your marketing strategy and should be a priority on your marketing list.

seoprocessSEO is not something that you can set and forget. It is an art, a science that needs to be constantly monitored and attended to. You can thank the ever changing digital environment and Google’s stringent ranking criteria for this. If your business is not at the forefront of what’s current and new when it comes to anything web, digital or social media related, I’m afraid your going to be swallowed up by the competition, especially when it comes to rankings.

So if you have a website and want it to stay up there on Page 1 of Google, you need to be in the safe hands of an SEO company that can consistently work on building trust and authority to your website and ensure that your business is up to speed with the latest online trends. Just have a read of what some experts are saying about SEO in 2018 and what to look out for:

Yes, it does seem like this on going work is not necessary so following are some reasons why SEO is an on going concern . Hopefully reading this will enlighten you as to the important work we do as an SEO company and why we should be considered  an integral part of your overall online business marketing strategy.

1. SEO is not a One Off Fee
Many SEO providers will offer a website audit, make recommendations, which you the business owner must then go ahead and implement. Most of what is said in these lengthy, wordy documents are not only hard to understand, but will need to be done by a team of web developers who understand the SEO process.

Therefore, audits are only the very first step in the SEO life cycle of your website. Once these changes have been done, you will need to then start the actual SEO back linking, which is an on going process. Combine that with Google’s algorithmic changes and the battle has only just begun. Get ready for the long haul. Ranking on Google doesn’t just miraculously happen. It takes many man hours and lots of strategic planning to win in this game. If your keen of beating the competition and your in a very competitive niche then you might need to be working n your site daily. This is the reality of how challenging SEO can be and this is the main reason why it’s not a one off service fee like so many people believe. When you think SEO, your better thing long time goals.

2. Link Building Takes Time
Many people we speak to think that all you need to do is add a few links and hey presto; you will rank. This couldn’t be further from the truth. SEO’s foundation and building blocks are link building and nowadays you have to be very careful with the types of links you get and where they come from. Link building like everything else in the world of Google dominance is changing so your SEO agency must be ware of these seismic shifts.

Google has sets the tone and rules for this and has placed severe penalties for those websites that appear to have built back links too quickly or from lets just say dubious sites. Ideally, a link building campaign needs to be drip fed organically over time, from other sites. Only by doing it in this fashion will your online strategy work. These links need to be continuously done to send rankings signals to Google to maintain your rankings. This is the main reason why SEO is an on going process. Stop it and you will start to see your rankings fall. If you stop the link building, over time, your rankings will suffer as your competition starts to over take you. Think the leap frog concept and you will get the idea. Again, think long term for your online marketing if you are going to have any chance of success.

3. SEO is never Idle
Just watch what happens when Google makes a small change in the way it ranks a website. You can easily slide 2 or 3 pages over night. If you have been sitting comfortably on page 1 and are cruising along without doing anything to your site, then chances are there will be some fluctuation. It is only when you think that you can never loose this position, then that’s the time your rankings plummet or begin to slide.

This is the prime reason why SEO companies now play a vital role in a businesses online ranking. You are dreaming if you think you can turn your back on monitoring your rankings. Page 1 positions are never permanent and have to be continuously managed. These need to be watched daily and any slight downward trend needs to be addressed quickly. All pages including old blog posts need to be worked on and tweaked so they become more relevant and offer the reader a better experience. I wrote this blog post over 3 years ago in 2014 and I have just done an edit to make it more relevant 3 years later in 2017. This is how thorough you have to be with your websites content, which forms part of your SEO strategy. Here’s an interesting article that supports this:

4. Leave SEO to the professionals

A lot of people I speak to say that they leave the SEO to a friend, relative or have a do it your self approach. This is a very dangerous path to go down as nowadays its’ highly technical and needs the constant attention of professionals. If you want to take the stance that SEO is a scam or a con and you can easily have a go yourself or leave it to a novice who has done a bit of research – all I can say is good luck.  I’m in contact with people daily who have adopted this approach and guess what? It never works. Their ranks go no where. In fact, in many cases they either begin to drop or they just cop a Google penalty because they have broken many of the standard protocols that only seasoned SEO professionals understand. Again, if you are serious about wanting to give your website the best opportunity of ranking then leave it to the experts and expect to be doing this for the life of your business.

5. You Have to Pay Each + Every Month For SEO.
Wow. I can just see the eyes rolling and the heads shaking here. Yes, SEO is time consuming and you need to pay for this time. If you want to leave it to someone internally that has a proven track record in SEO that’s fine. But, think about their time and the costs involved with paying them.

In conclusion, if you want to rank and are serious about generating new leads, improving revenue and are keen to explore the world of SEO then why not give us a call on 02 9360 8514

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